Along with 8 other educational thought leaders, Myron was appointed by the Board of Governors in 2013 to assist with the development of a 10 year plan for online learning in the state of Florida. When complete the plan will define what online learning looks like for nearly 3 million students in our 12 State Universities, 25 State Colleges, over 4250 K-12 schools
Markets Served:
Education: Higher Education both conventional and online
Board of Directors is responsible for overall growth and operations of company. C8 Sciences is the exclusive provider of ACTIVATE™, a cognitive cross-training program based on research from the Yale School of Medicine. Our programs have been designed by some of the world’s leading cognitive scientists to develop and strengthen the brain’s 8 Core Cognitive Capacities, and reflect the latest research into neuroplasticity – the remarkable ability of the brain to dynamically grow, change, heal, and accomplish complex tasks that sometimes seem all but impossible.
Markets Served:
Education: Special Education
Healthcare: Clinical Physiology, Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Aging & Hospice, Occupational, Speech and Physical Therapy
Board members play a critical role in helping shape SXSWedu by reviewing proposed sessions submitted via Panel Picker and providing their informed recommendations for some of the hottest new technology companies in the world. During the premier event, LAUNCHedu 40+ venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs and education industry experts recognize and provide funding for the most innovative new technology companies. Companies such as Twitter, Clever and others were born at the SXSW event.
Markets Served:
Education and technology
Board level responsibility for $250M Annual budget and nearly 25,000 Students. UNF is ranked as one of the top academic schools in the state of Florida and Nationally ranked as a top 5 University in our category by US News and other ranking services.
Markets Served:
Education: Higher Education both conventional and online
Board level responsibilities for overall growth and operations on the company. Forcura is the leader in document work-flow management and communication for healthcare providers and managed care organizations. We automate the sending, tracking and receiving of your organizations documents resulting in faster document turnaround time and increased revenue.
Markets Served:
Healthcare: Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Hospice, DME and Physical Therapy
Education: Medicaid Processing and Special Education
Board level responsibilities for overall growth and operations of company. iLs is a multi-sensory program for improving brain function. It is an enjoyable activity, or “exercise,” which can be customized for all ages and skill levels for implementation in clinic, school or home. iLs programs improve emotional regulation while training the brain to process sensory information
With improved regulation and processing, our ability to focus, think, and engage successfully in social situations also improves. With the launch of the new Dreampad therapeutic pillow iLs is quickly becoming a market leader in non-pharm solutions to sleep apnea and other disorders.
Markets Served:
Healthcare: Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Hospice, DME, Occupational, Speech and Physical Therapy
Education: Special Education
IBCCES, is the largest independent credentialing and continuing education organizations with a focus in special needs and human services. The IBCCES is the accrediting body for the Certified Autism Specialist (CAS) and the Autism Certificate (AC) programs. Our certification programs recognize professionals in the field of Autism who have met predetermined standards in their training, experience and performance. CAS and AC professionals live and work in the U.S. and more than 40 countries around the world.
Markets Served:
Healthcare: Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Hospice, DME, Occupational, Speech and Physical Therapy
Education: Special Education
Founded in 1999, CEU Outlet pioneered many of the first home study course programs and on-line CEU standards used by regulatory boards. Both mental health and medical professionals from all over the world use our online CEU courses to meet their local and industry specific licensing requirements. CEU Outlet provides professionals the tools they need to be more effective in the workplace.
Markets Served:
Healthcare: Social Workers, Psychologist, Occupational, Speech and Physical Therapy
Board of Directors is responsible for overall growth and development of the organization. Girls For Africa began a life-changing project in 2013: we built a STEM Academy on the outskirts of Accra, Ghana. This STEM Academy is surrounded by third world poverty in every direction, and it is one of the only schools in the entire country with modern technology tools. It is an oasis of education in a desert of ignorance.
Ghanaians live in desperate poverty, but we believe the secret to lifting them out of this situation: education. Our goal is to educate the children of Ghana so they can compete in the global marketplace for the fastest growing sector of future jobs (STEM careers). During Project 2013, we invested over $200,000 into the school building; installed computers, projectors, and white boards in every classroom; and conducted four full days of professional development for the entire faculty. Project 2014 will continue the life-changing work that began the previous year.
Markets Served:
Education: Special Education, 21st Century Learning